How to connect to Clocko:do

You can connect Memtime to Clocko:do and take your time-tracking to the next level.

The first step to connecting Clocko:do to Memtime is to install it as a Connected App.

To install Clocko:do as a Connected App, you can try the following:

1. Open the Memtime App and click on the menu burger to select Connected Apps.

2. If you do not already see Clocko:do as a Connected App, you can click on the "Find More Connected Apps" button to easily find it.


3. This will take you to your browser, and the Memtime marketplace website will open. You can search here for 'Clocko:do' or any other Connected App you would like to try. Once you select Clocko:do, click on the "Connect to Clocko:do" button.


4. After connecting, go back to your Connected Apps in Memtime and click on "Refresh Installed Connected Apps" to see Clocko:do installed.

The next step is to authenticate Clocko:do in Memtime. 

1. Select Clocko:do in your Connected Apps in Memtime and click on "Authenticate".


2. A pop-up window will appear to ask you for your Clocko:do Username and API key:

The Username is the e-mail address that you used to create your Clocko:do account.

3. To find your API key, log into your Clocko:do account on the browser, and click on your Profile icon in the top right corner to select "Personal Data".

4. Scroll down until you find the API key section. Copy the value that appears and paste it into the authentication window in the Memtime app.


5. Refresh the Connected Apps one more time.

6. After authenticating Clocko:do, you can change some settings according to your preferences. You can set different synchronization methods and select which tasks should be imported from Clocko:do, as well as how you prefer to see your projects. 


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7. Finally, after creating a time entry in Memtime, you will be able to see it in the "Time Entries" section in Clocko:do.


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That's it! Now you can use the Clocko:do integration in Memtime. Here's a video that shows the complete installation process, as well as how to create and export time entries: