How to connect a calDAV Calendar to Memtime

You can connect your calendar to Memtime via calDav. This is how you can import your calendar activities from calendars like nextCloud,, gmx and similar.

The first step to connecting your calDav calendar is to install it as a Connected App to your account. 

You might have already done this first step. You can install your calendar as a Connected App in the initial setup when you first open Memtime on your device. 

To install your calendar as a Connected App do the following:

  1. Open the Memtime setting and click on Connected Apps:

    Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 10.55.09

  2. If you do not see your calendar as a Connected app, click on: "Find More Connected Apps" If you see your calendar click, you can skip this part. 

  3. The Memtime website marketplace will open, where you can add new Connected Apps to your account. You can search for "Calendar" in the search bar:

  4. Select CalDav Calendar from the list and then click on Install.
  5. Go back to Memtime and click on "Refresh Installed Connected Apps" to see your calendar installed as a Connected App.


The next step is to authenticate your calendar. 

  1. Select your calDav Calendar in your Connected Apps and then click on "Authenticate"

  2. You will be asked for your username, password and server URL. You can usually find your server URL in the settings of your calendar. 

Once you finish this step, the calendar is connected, and you should be able to see your calendar events in your Memtime timeline.