You can connect Memtime to Xero Projects and take your time-tracking to the next level.
This integration has been specifically developed for Xero Projects. For this reason, if you try to authenticate any other account of the Xero package, you will not be able to import your entities or export time entries.
In order to maximize your experience using this integration, we would like to show you with the following diagram what data is exchanged between Memtime and Xero:
The first step to connecting Xero Projects to Memtime is to install it as a Connected App.
To install Xero Projects as a Connected App, you can try the following:
1. Open the Memtime App and click on the menu burger to select Connected Apps.
2. If you do not already see Xero Projects as a Connected App, you can click on the "Find More Connected Apps" button to easily find it.
3. This will take you to your browser, and the Memtime marketplace website will open. You can search here for 'Xero Projects' or any other Connected App you would like to try. Once you select Xero Projects, click on the "Connect to Xero Projects" button.
4. After connecting, go back to your Connected Apps in Memtime and click on "Refresh Installed Connected Apps" to see Xero Projects installed.
The next step is to authenticate Xero Projects in Memtime.
Please note that before you can authenticate Memtime with Xero Projects, it is essential for your Xero Projects administrator to have completed the authentication process with Memtime. This initial authentication by the administrator is crucial, as it allows access for all other users within your organization.
1. Select Xero Projects in your Connected Apps in Memtime and click on "Authenticate now".
2. A Pop-up window will appear to ask you for your Xero Projects credentials.
3. Then, you will have to enable Memtime to have access to Xero Projects.
4. Go back to your Connected Apps in Memtime and click on "Refresh Installed Connected Apps" to see Xero Projects authenticated.
5. Finally, if you click on "Settings", you will be able to adjust how do you want the export of time entries to be triggered, the hierarchy structure and the project name formatting.
That's it! Now you can use the Xero Projects integration in Memtime. Here's a video that shows the complete installation process, as well as how to create end export time entries: