An "Install a helper" box pops-up (Mac)

When there is a new Memtime version up to install, macOS devices might show an "Install a helper" box


Sometimes, when there is a new Memtime version ready to be installed, macOS lets the user know by popping-up an "Install a helper" box and requesting a password. It looks like the following: 


Captura de pantalla 2023-12-04 a las 12.28.42

Why am I receiving this message? 


This message is typically displayed when the owner of the Memtime App is not the same as the current user. In such cases, macOS needs to request admin permissions in order to update the App for another user.

However, it's important to note that this doesn't necessarily mean there are multiple users on the same system. The reason behind this message is simply that the current user doesn't have sufficient permissions to update the App, hence the need for admin rights.


One possible reason for encountering this message is if an administrator installs the Memtime app for all users instead of just for the current user.

What are the possible solutions to this issue?


1. To proceed with the update, please enter the password that the system requests. However, this is only a short term solution; it may ask for the password again with the next update.


2. To resolve this issue, it is recommended to request the administrator to perform the update for all users and also disable auto-update for all users. If the administrator is responsible for installing applications, all users can easily disable auto-update through the Customer Portal.


Customer Portal > App Configuration > Deactivate automatic Memtime App updates: 


Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 15.36.18


3. In situations where the current user is the only user of the computer, it is possible for this message to appear due to a mistake. Don't worry, this can happen! Fortunately, there are two simple solutions to resolve this issue:

    1. To resolve this issue, you can uninstall Memtime and then reinstall it using the DMG file in


Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 15.32.09

            b. If you have installed the Memtime app under:


You can use the Terminal to run a command that requires administrative rights. Open the Terminal and enter the following command:

sudo chown -R "$USER":wheel "/Applications/"`;


Installing the DMG file should help, but feel free to contact our Support team here if you need more help.