How to exclude activities from tracking

You can exclude any activity from the automatic tracking of Memtime. This activity will not show up in your tracked activities.

To exclude a specific activity from the automatic tracking, you need to create an exception rule in Memtime. 

  1. Click on the settings Icon on the top right of Memtime.
  2. Click on Preferences.
  3. Select Exemption rules on the left menu. 
  4. Click the "Create new Rule" button. 

You can name your rule and then set the conditions for excluding a specific activity. The rule can be based on specific attributes of the activity, like:

  • Contains a specific URL
  • Windows title
  • Document path
  • Specific app/program
  • Browser profile
  • Email contact

In this example will blacklist the program Spotify from my tracking since I don't need it to show up in Memtime: