How to connect to Pascom

You can connect Memtime to Pascom and say goodbye to manually time-tracking your phone calls.

The first step to connecting Pascom to Memtime is to install it as a Connected App. 

This article provides instructions on both scenarios, whether you already have Pascom installed in Memtime or not, so no need to worry - we've got you covered!

To install Pascom as a Connected App, you can try the following:

1. Open the Memtime App and click on the menu burger to select Connected Apps.

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2. If you do not yet see Pascom as a connected app, you can click on the "Find more Connected Apps" button to find it. 

3. This will open the Memtime Marketplace website. Search for "Pascom" and click on the "Connect to Pascom" button.

4. After this, you will be prompted to provide your Pascom URL, as well as your Pascom "REST-API BASIC Auth String".

5. To find this data, log in to your Pascom account on a browser, and click on the Settings button in the top right corner, to select the "Rest-API" options.

6. Then, click on the "Show REST Credentials" button to view your BASIC Auth String, which you can always find here when needed.

7. After providing the necessary credentials and installing the Pascom Connected App, return to your Memtime app > Connected Apps and click on "Refresh Installed Connected Apps".

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If you already see Pascom installed in your Connected Apps, you can simply follow the next steps in this article.

The next step is to authenticate Pascom in Memtime. 

1. Select Pascom in your Connected Apps in Memtime and click on "Authenticate".

2. A pop-up window will open asking you for your Pascom Username and PIN.

3. To find your Pascom Username and PIN, open your browser and log in to your Pascom account.

On the Pascom website, click on "Users" and select your user by checking the box next to their description. Then, click the "Edit" button.

4. This will take you to a new page displaying your User's Data. Here, you can view your Username and set up your PIN.

Once you find your username and PIN, you can return to Memtime and enter your Pascom data to complete the authentication process.

Don't forget to click on "Save" after this setting your new PIN.

5. After you've successfully authenticated with Pascom in Memtime, you can go to Time Tracking and see where all your Pascom calls will be displayed:

By following these steps, you will be able to seamlessly integrate your Pascom account with Memtime, allowing you to effortlessly track your phone calls like never before.