How to set Memtime to autostart (macOS)

When installing Memtime for the first time on your device, you have the option to set it to start with the device. If your device settings change later, you can manually adjust them.

Having Memtime automatically opening when you start up your Mac can actually be very useful, and make your time tracking even simpler.

Memtime isn't set as a login item yet

To check if Memtime is set to open with login on your Mac, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your System Settings and then go to General settings. 

2. In General settings, go to the section “Login Items”.

3. In Login Items, check if Memtime is already listed as a program.

If Memtime isn't listed here, you can click on the “+” symbol to add it as an app that will open on your device login.

If you make this change, you will need to restart your device to make sure it applies.

Memtime is already set as a login item

If Memtime is already listed as an app that opens at login, but it doesn't actually launch when you start up your device, you may need to remove Memtime from the same list and then add it back again.

1. Go to the same section of settings for Login Items, and select Memtime.

2. Remove the app from the list by clicking on “-”. Once it has disappeared, add the application again via the “+” button. 

After this change, you have to restart your device to check if the settings are now correctly applied.

That's it! Your Memtime app should now have all the necessary permissions to start tracking with your device start.