Rule-sets for automatic time entry creation

You can let Memtime create your time entries automatically for you by writing your own rule sets based on your activities.

To create a rule for automatic time entry creation do the following:

  1. Click on the settings icon on the top right in Memtime.
  2. Click on Preferences.
  3. Navigate to the "Time Entry Suggestion Rules" tab on the left menu.
  4. Click the "Create a new rule Button".


You can also find the option to turn off the time entry suggestions in the same section.

Once you click on "Create a new Rule" a new window will open where you can name your rule and set the rule conditions. 

You can set up rules so any specific activity that you have in mind is automatically booked to a project. The rule can be based on a few things:

  • Activity name
  • Program
  • URL/Document Path
  • Window Title
  • Browser Profile
  • E-mail Subject
  • E-mail Participant

In the following example I will make a rule for Memtime to automatically book my daily customer success meeting to my customer success projects:

I will do this by setting up a rule to book all activities that have the following line in their name "daily customer success" to the customer success project. 


When Memtime suggests a time entry based on the rule you've set up, you have the option to either accept the suggestion, make edits to it, or decline it. This process is demonstrated in the video as well.